Ps 54 Samuel C Barnes
Ps 55 Benjamin Franklin
Ps 55 Henry M Boehm
Ps 55 Maure
Ps 56 Harry Eichler
Ps 56 Lewis H Latimer
Ps 56 Norwood Heights
Ps 56 The Louis Desario School
Ps 57 Crescent
Ps 57 Hubert H Humphrey
Ps 58
Ps 58 School Of Heroes
Ps 58 The Carroll
Ps 59 Beekman Hill International
Ps 59 Dr Charles Drew Science Magnet
Ps 59 The Community School Of Technology
Ps 59 William Floyd
Ps 6
Ps 6 Cpl Allan F Kivlehan
Ps 6 Lillie D Blake